Sunday, June 7, 2009

Tiredness and Potty-Breaks and Puking....Oh My!

Well, I am 17 weeks now and completely thought I would be over being sick and tired by now. I absolutely LOVE being pregnant but this many weeks of throwing up...come on!

Tiredness - I thought with it being summer break and not working I would be getting much more energy these days. Well, that is not the case. I think I am going to blame the garage-sale weekend I just had and hope for more energy in the next few weeks.

Potty-Breaks - I have never been one to fall asleep after waking up. Unfortunately for me now, I am waking up every day between 4AM and 5AM to go to the bathroom. I know, I know...for some of you that is normal time (I applaud you) but for me it is absolutely not! I work at a 9AM start school which definitely does not require me to be up that early. Luckily though, Jimmy can sleep through all of my moving around, getting up, turning lights and the tv on. I am sure he appreciates that ability too! ;0)

Puking - I have tried many different words for this (even some old-school ones that I won't mention) but the "nicer sounding" of all of them is puking. I suppose throwing up would work too but it just doesn't give the same effect. :0) While we were hoping and dreaming of becoming pregnant I always said that I hoped I would not get sick. When I thought of being sick, I thought it was just going to be for a few weeks tops and that's it. Well, Baby Messner...the sweet pea that he/she is...thought differently! I am 17 weeks now and am still throwing up. I have to say though, it does comfort me a bit to know that all of these symptoms just mean a strong and healthy baby is growing and it of course is all for a wonderful cause!

After all of this complaining I feel that I need to put another disclaimer...I do love being pregnant and am so grateful for the blessing of the beautiful baby I am carrying. I just needed a ranting moment!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Katie! I found your blog through my blog and I added you to my blog list, hope that's okay. :) I'm so glad you have a baby blog now, what a perfect way to keep up on all the baby happenings! Judging on the color choice of your blog background, whatever the reason you did, I think you think baby Messner is a girl too!! Only a daughter would give her poor mother so much grief already, with all the puking, potty breaks and utter exhaustion. Hang in there and keep the updates coming, I love reading them and I can't wait to see some baby bump shots!
