Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Yesterday's Dr.'s Visit....

I went to the doctor yesterday and everything seemed good again! Her heartbeat was 150 bpm and my belly measured 21 cm (closer to the actual weeks this time). One thing that REALLY surprised me about this appointment was my weight! I gained 9 POUNDS in 4 weeks!!!! Holy cow! I was of course freaking out but the doctor assured me that it is okay. Really I have only gained 11 in total during the pregnancy and I am already halfway done but still....I better not gain 9 pounds every 4 weeks. Geez!

1 comment:

  1. So glad to hear all is well with you and your baby girl! :) It's a GOOD thing that you are gaining weight, it means you're growing a healthy, beautiful, smart little girl. So keep up the great work! :)
